Friday, November 15, 2013


To get into this posture you first go up into downward dog and roll onto whichever foot you are doing first. Then slowly rest your other foot on the bottom foot and put your hand on your hip. Then you put your foot right above your knee, then put your arm straight up, then when you are ready put your head facing up. In this position you have to hold your core strong and breathe throughly. I like this position because there are a lot of modifications and you can go at your own pace.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

He'enalu doing Vasisthasana

While performing this posture, I felt extremely calm and in tune with my entire body once I initiated every body part I was using.  I noticed that my wrist, arm and shoulder were working hard to hold my weight.  The core also gets a good workout from keeping it tight so that your body doesn't fall out of alignment.  The thighs, legs, belly and spine are necessary to correctly do the posture.  Everything must be tight and remember to keep breathing so you can send the breath to every part of the body.  To do this pose, you must start in downward facing dog and then place your left foot on top of your right foot, while placing your left hand on your hip and turning to the left side.  Next, find your center of balance, reach your right hand in the air and try to keep it in line with your left hand.  Finally, BREATHE!  You must send the breath to your feet and push into the earth to keep everything in line.

Awareness During Vasisthasana

When doing this posture, I feel my core tighten and my arms are flexing so I can maintain a steady pose. Even though I'm focusing on being steady, I feel relaxed and calm. When in the modified posture, I focus my energy to my bandhas so I can open up my heart center while remaining steady. I Keep my head in line with my spine and focus my gaze upwards. 

Personal Awareness

Personal Awareness

This pose is somewhat difficult, but I tend to warm up and it gets a tad bit easier.  In order for me to be in proper alignment, I would need to increase my core strength.  I could do this by performing planks, this posture, or other core strengthening exercises.

Awareness (Vory)

When I do Vasisthasana (side plank) I can feel my core tighten. I also feel balanced and strong. When I do this posture I need to activate my right leg so that both of them are stacked on each other and are active. I also need could look upward after I have found my balance.
Full posture

Relaxing Music